Xiaoting Li

Email: xiaotili@visa.com

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I currently work as a staff research scientist at Visa Research. I received my Ph.D. in Information Sciences and Technology at Pennsylvania State Univerity in 2022, and B.S. in Computer Science from University of Electronic Sciences and Tehcnology of China in 2017. My research interests intersect Deep Learning, Graph Representation Learning and AI Security. At Visa, my expertise is channeled towards advancing graph learning methodologies, deep tabular learning, and model explainability techniques. These endeavors are meticulously tailored to address complex, real-world financial scenarios.


May, 2024 One paper about tabular model test time adaptation has been accepted by ICML’24.
Jul, 2023 One paper about adversarial texts generation on NLP models has been accepted by ACM TKDD.
Apr, 2023 One paper got accepted in IJCAI’23.
Sep, 2022 Our paper won the Best Paper award in RecSys’22!
Aug, 2022 One paper about Active Learning for GNNs got accepted by CIKM’22.
Jul, 2022 I am invited to serve as a PC reviewer for AAAI’23.
Jun, 2022 Two of our papers got accepted by RecSys’22.
Jun, 2022 One paper about label-shifting attack against GNNs got accepted by SecureComm’22.
Jun, 2022 One paper about reinforcement learning for C compiler fuzzing got accepted by ICICS’22.
Jun, 2022 I am invited to serve as a PC reviewer for ICDM’22.

Selected Publications

  1. TKDD 23
  2. SecureComm 22
    Li, Xiaoting, Chen, Lingwei, and Wu, Dinghao
    In Proceedings of the 18th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks Aug 2023
  3. CIKM 22
    Li, Xiaoting, Wu, Yuhang, Rakesh, Vineeth, Lin, Yusan, Yang, Hao, and Wang, Fei
    In Proceedings of the 31th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management Aug 2022
  4. RecSys 22
    Chen, Huiyuan, Li, Xiaoting, Zhou, Kaixiong, Hu, Xia, Yeh, Chin-Chia Michael, Zheng, Yan, and Yang, Hao
    In Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems Aug 2022
  5. SIGIR 22
    Li, Quan, Li, Xiaoting, Chen, Lingwei, and Wu, Dinghao
    Aug 2022
  6. SDM 21
    Li, Xiaoting, Chen, Lingwei, and Wu, Dinghao
    In Proceedings of the 2021 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM) Aug 2021
  7. IJCNN 21
    Li, Xiaoting, Chen, Lingwei, Zhang, Jinquan, Larus, James, and Wu, Dinghao
    In 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) Aug 2021
  8. AAAI 19
    Liu, Xiao, Li, Xiaoting, Prajapati, Rupesh, and Wu, Dinghao
    In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence Aug 2019

Honors & Awards

2022 AAAI Conference Student Scholarship
2021 Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) Scholarship
2020 Women in Cyber Security (WiCyS) Scholarship
2019 AAAI Conference Student Scholarship
2018 Women in Cyber Security (WiCyS) Scholarship
2016 National Scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC)
2016 Honorable Mention in 2016 Mathematical Contest in Modeling


IST 140: Introduction to Application Programming (Fall 2018)
IST 336: Windows Malware Analysis (Spring 2020)


I love painting, traveling, organizing and hotpot! I also enjoy shopping and sharing my personal thoughts about Fashion on Xiaohongshu (an app). For me, bug-free codes and fashion items are always the source of happiness in life :D!